« album release: transience
SMUSH #10 »


Ho there, traveller!

It’s been a hot minute! Sorry for my delay, I’ve been out of town for a family function :) But I still managed to get something rough and dirty out! It’s—and this is a running theme lately—rather… experimental. Or, in other words, really weird. Again, it’s very rough and unfinished, but I like getting ideas out and into the airwaves; I think I’ll probably revisit it. I like the sort of harsh synth feel.


Unrelated tangent: I’ve recently rediscovered The Alan Parsons Project, and I completely forgot just how spectacular this music is! There isn’t a song of theirs that I don’t enjoy. Lately, I’ve been both re-listening to albums I’ve heard before and listening to some I’d never given a chance. I can now say that I believe I have listened to their entire discography, and I’ve been… acquiring… all the most complete versions I can find of every album for my digital music library. It’s fun, it almost feels like curating a collection! Just… without the expense (and clutter).

But, my lord, I cannot express how much I adore their sound. It’s often catchy, usually profound, and always beautiful to listen to, so, if you haven’t heard of them before… give it a shot!

In any case, that’s all I have to say for today. Quoth the raven, nevermore!