« Hello!


Here’s the first one! It’s a little messy and not very well mixed but I think that captures the spirit of this blog pretty well. The next one will be better, I promise (I don’t promise).


In other news, I’ve been playing a lot of Mario 64 lately. Great game but I’ve gotta say, the wing cap controls are really hard to use well. I’m sure skilled players can work it like nothing but it took me like an hour just to get the red coins in the wing cap stage, haha. But man, the game is phenomenal… you can really see why it’s stood the test of time so well. I’ve also been playing it on my little Trinitron CRT, and seriously, it looks so much nicer than on a modern display. Almost like it was made for them or something, heh.

At any rate, thanks for stopping by and have a good day/night :)