« SMUSH #1
awww yiss »


Hey, so you may or may not have seen before that I was using commentbox.io for comments here—which is good, don’t get me wrong—but today I found something phenomenal. It’s called utterances, and it uses Github’s own issue commenting system for comments on static sites like these! I just think this solution is so cooooooool… it makes my brain happy. Anyway, now, instead of having to sign up for a commentbox account to comment, you can just use your Github one! Hooray! Anyway, the single previous comment that existed before (thank you, time to explode):

old comment

That’s all for now. I’ve been having a lot of fun developing this little site and I hope you’ll follow me for the journey!

UPDATE: So it turns out that there’s actually an EVEN BETTER tool for this called giscus. Yes, I know, I am changing everything FAR too often, but this should actually be the last time for a while. I hope. Anyway, I realized that utterances just has a few issues and hasn’t been maintained for a while, whereas giscus solves those problems and has some more nice quality of life features :) Okay, that really should be all for now.